Previous Events
Safety and Attunement in Authentic Midwifery
I’m thrilled to announce that I will be presenting with APPPAH (The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health) on their APPPAH Live! Exploring Birth Psychology series.
As you know my work in birth is so important because my journey is to re-discover midwifery which is not what we think it is: a medical profession, a profession that needs to control birth. Midwifery means “with woman”. In this 15+years journey I found out what it means being with women, and I’ll share that with you. I’ll also share about safety and attunement, 2 fundamentals to prevent and heal birth trauma.
Click in here to watch the recording
A little more about APPPAH Live: Exploring Birth Psychology. It is a free weekly online webinar with global experts; it is offered to everyone who wishes to learn more about the many aspects of birth psychology and health.
Welcoming babies in a gentle way
Why is it important for your baby to be born in a gentle way?
What is trauma and how we can prevent it?
i offer few strategies to prevent birth trauma.
watch the recording here below
Welcoming babies, preventing birth trauma
What is this workshop about?
Watch the introduction below.
Fear is frequent for many pregnant women especially before or close to the birth.
Fear of the actual birthing process, fear to be a not good enough mother, fear of the pain.
Where does it come from? And how to regulate it?
What we will talk about in the workshop related to birth and motherhood:
- Frequency and the energy of fear
- somatic experiences and exercises (body-based)
- the fear due to the birth itself and the inner transformation that this rite of passage brings,
- fear of the unknown
- the fear of letting go
- fear of the pain
- fear if 'bad' things will happen to you or your baby
- fear of saying NO to partner, family, midwives, doctors, doula
- the fear that our society and culture have passed on to us about childbirth and how it still affects us today
- how to transform fear, use of some tools
- and how to master it in preparation for childbirth
- Women's wisdom and experience
In my experience of supporting many women in their motherhood journey, fear is part of the process and it is so important to listen to it without repressing, there may be so much wisdom when we welcome fear.
There are also different kinds of energies related to fear, the fear of the unknown and the fear passed to us. When it becomes overwhelming, it will control us and our choices will be led by the fear. Sometimes we end up doing something we didn't want to. Fears keep you from having the birth you desire (even though many times you will go through an experience you didn't expect because it helps you to get to know yourself better). We will talk in depth about this topic.
For whom it is suitable: Women in preparation for pregnancy (pre-conception as well) . All pregnant women and birthing partners in preparation for birth. Birth-keepers, doula, midwives and doctors interested in this topic.
Watch the introduction for the webinar 'fear of birth'
with Laura & Arianna
Watch the recording here
Fear of birth webinar 3/2/23
I acknowledge, respect and honour the guardians and custodians of the lands where I travel and live. I honour the Elders of the past, present and future. May their teachings always be with us.
This website was made with love by Laura Latina. © 2023